Family Engagement

CSS has an active parent base who support the work of the school through the PSSC (Parent School Support Committee) and the CSSFA (Connaught Street School Family Association). Every family is a member of the CSSFA while members of the PSSC are elected annually and focus on school improvement.

Our PSSC meets about 6-8 times annually and follows a school governance model. CSS’s PSSC boasts a membership which is large and varied in experiences and talents. These parents champion both school improvement as well as tackling issues important to families and staff such as traffic safety.

Our CSSFA is enjoying a regeneration since Covid and we will be soliciting the involvement of all interested parents who want to promote family engagement, physical wellness, arts and enrichment and playground development. We encourage parents to support the CSSFA for the benefit of their child and everyone else’s children. Each of the events they spearhead relies on parent volunteers for their success.


CSS extends its reach into the community through extensive partnerships that reflect a “give, get” model:

  • Multicultural Association of Fredericton
  • Individuals and Organizations for specific projects
  • UNB, STU and NBCC for internship programs

Annually, CSS strives to initiate partnerships which will enhance the quality of education in our school community and beyon. We partner with local artisans, universities, professionals, and community groups to bring the curriculum alive through meaningful work. Recent examples include ‘Bear Witness Day”, and i2i Intergenerational partnership which links youth to seniors in meaningful ways. We are entering our third year of this partnership.

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